Sunday, March 22, 2009

Airports, Cropping, and Radio Broadcasts

Goooooooooooood morning!

OK...really...I am not that energetic this morning. I'm sitting having coffee with my dad, I haven't been home in 2 days, I'm in my pyjamas, and my eyes are super droopy because the weekend has been just plain crazy.

But the weekend has been oh-so-much-fun too!!!!

Sue and Lori from Just Cre8 came down to crop at a big cropping event in we've been touring them around and helping Sue get a bunch of stuff ready for the crop. At the crop, we were doing promotional stuff for Just Cre8, meeting people we've only seen online, meeting people we don't see online but should (AHEM....Lori? LOL! ), visiting, eating, looking at layouts, learning new things, shopping, visiting, meeting more people, being silly, shopping, and lots of other things.

That's a big list...but notice what is NOT on this list? Yup -- scrapbooking. I accomplished almost nothing...I sorted my Jamaica pictures, kind of. 21 hours of crop time time and I sorted a stack of pictures. Hellooooo!

I did take a photography class with Allison Orthner...that lady is amazing! Oodles of AHA moments there.

But -- alas -- I have no time to blog about it now -- I have tons of pictures to share -- and I need a shower before the whole household gets out of bed. I'll share some photos and tell you some tidbitz tomorrow, including pics of some of the lovely ladies I met yesterday. :)

PS...Julia...if you are reading this, can you email me the pic of you and me? I'd like to put it on my blog! ((hugs))


Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda, It was good to see you and the rest of the Just Cre8 design team at the Cruise and Crop this past weekend. Thanks for all your inspiration and care. Once I got home I checked out Stacy Julian's blog and found out more about Photo Freedom as well as Library of Memories Workshop. I am super interested and will follow up on that.Well look at that..this
"blog stalker" finally completed her first comment...

Anonymous said...

Amanda, THANK YOU for all the outstanding work you did at the crop with Just Cre8, what a success. But I do have to say, total fun kicking back with you guys at Janet's, wish we could've stayed longer but life resumes. I will end with how you started...airports, cleaning and family to spend quality time with!

Amanda said...

Wooohooo, Lori! ;)

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